What to Do When That 4 Month Sleep Regression Hits Hard

Sleeping and then suddenly, not sleeping!

We’ve heard it before so many times! Our baby was sleeping 8+ hours a night and then the four month sleep regression happened, now our baby is sleeping like a newborn, help!!

First, good for you for seeking solutions to your baby’s sleep problems and not suffering through terrible sleep for the next year. Second, this sucks, we get it and you’re not alone! You have been experiencing sleeping bliss for several weeks now and suddenly, you are not getting the sleep you need and that must change.

How long does the 4 month sleep regression last?

The four month sleep regression can last well, until it’s over, meaning, until you sleep train in some way or your baby magically starts to sleep through the night again like they once did. The latter is almost non existent or it improves somewhat 5 months later and is still terrible but you have decided to accept it. The four month sleep regression often follows developmental leaps, big travel, well visits, or a combination of all the above. When the “regression” happens, there is disrupt and your baby slowly spirals into unhealthy sleep habits and those end up becoming the norm and you are exhausted so you do what you can to get by.

After a few weeks go by and your baby seems to still be in a “sleep regression” you wonder if they’ll ever get out of it?? They will, but it will require some help, 99% of the time!

What do I do when my baby is not sleeping and I’ve tried everything?

When you reach the point where you are exhausted, you’ve experienced the four month sleep regression, you’ve tried to “sleep train” your baby, you’ve read a book, you posted in a mom group for suggestions and it seems that no change has happened. This can be frustrating and we are ready to help you if you have reached the point where you need professional, hands on support. We can help you put systems into place and create a plan that will for your baby and that will get you all back on track. After that, your baby will not struggle so much with leaps, milestones, travel or sickness because they will have the skills they need to 100% fall asleep on their own, in their own space, and know how to put themselves back to sleep when they wake.

Calling in professional help for sleep training is your next step!

When it comes to professional support you have two options from Family Bliss. You can get the most out of it, have the easiest time and not worry about what to do when and what to do on night two of training…. your sleep trainer will be THERE, with you for 3 or 5 full days. This is our live-in sleep training support option and most families take advantage of this option for the most success and ease for the whole family. The other option is virtual support, aka sleep consultations, with one of our team members. This means that you will have a call, fill out your questionnaire, have a 2 hour virtual consultation, receive a plan and then implement it yourself. Your coach will be available to you during daytime hours for some support, but you will mostly be on your own. This is a great option for many families who are willing to give it a go themselves.

Whatever path you choose, professional help will get you back on track and sleeping immediately, or soon!